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The Added Value of Official Stars

Why a classification?

A star classification according to the criteria of the Hotelstars Union offers numerous advantages – for hoteliers and guests alike. It creates clarity and trust, emphasises the quality of your hotel and supports you in marketing your offer

Discover how the stars of your hotel can become a guide for travellers and at the same time strengthen your competitive position.

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Estonian Hotel and Restaurant Association (EHRA)
Kiriku 6 
10130 Tallinn 

International standardisation

The classification system provides a standardised method for evaluating hotels across Europe. This ensures consistency in quality assessments, making it easier for travellers to understand and compare different hotels, especially across borders.


By adhering to the Hotelstars Union scheme, hoteliers can clearly communicate the quality and services offered by their establishment to potential guests. This transparency helps build trust and confidence among travellers when making booking decisions.

Importance of stars

Stars play a pivotal role as guides for travelers, serving as a powerful tool in their decision-making process. Alongside online reviews and personal recommendations, these ratings are essential for making informed choices about where to stay and what to experience.

Marketing and promotion

The star rating awarded by the Hotelstars Union can be used as a marketing tool to promote the hotel. Star ratings may be prominently displayed in a legally compliant manner on the hotel’s website, in marketing materials, and on booking platforms to attract more guests. In addition, hoteliers can take advantage of various HSU marketing acitivites (e.g. hotel search, hotelstars.eu, Instagram).

Guest expectations

Star ratings provide a standard for guest expectations. Travelers frequently use these ratings to evaluate the comfort and quality of service they can anticipate from a hotel. By being classified by the Hotelstars Union, hotels can more effectively meet and exceed these expectations.

Quality improvement

The classification process involves evaluating various aspects of the hotel, highlighting areas of strength and areas for improvement. Hoteliers can use this feedback to implement changes and enhance the overall guest experience, ultimately improving their reputation and profitability.

Hotelstars Union on Instagram

We provide insights into hotel classification and showcase currently classified hotels. From luxurious suites to cozy rooms, you'll find options to suit every taste.

  • Recently classified hotels
  • Compact information
  • Special occasions 


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